Old Habits

Remember when I said I was going to start posting more often? LOL me too. I never really got into the habit of blogging regularly, and I blame the fact that I keep a handwritten journal. I’m not a huge fan of redundancy when it comes to me talking about myself, so the blog inevitably gets left behind. So I’ll try to check in occasionally bc it’s fun to look back on later, but if you really want to see what I’m up to on a more regular basis I’d advise checking out my insta @theoneandonlyEMI bc I am definitely one of ~those~ millennials. That’s where I post my current projects and random crafty things I’m up to. My personal account is @3m1 and I have a bit of an addiction but that’s fine, no one gets hurt.

Ok that’s really all I have to say, I remembered that I restarted this and felt bad for abandoning it so quickly. C’est la vie!

Rainy day

One of my favorite things to do on a rainy day is go to a museum, so I got the 10-day pass for the National Gallery (which grants access to all the exhibits). I’m glad I did, because the two hours I spent there today wasn’t enough to get through one exhibit, so I’m going to have to go back and finish up tmw. 

I took a lot of photos with my phone, and of course they don’t come close to doing the art any justice, they’re more of a reminder of what I saw. Especially since most of the photos are taken through glass–reflections are easy for eyes to see through, but are very distracting to cameras. Here’s a link to my Flickr account, where I’ve posted the photos from the exhibit (plus some cool architecture): https://flickr.com/photos/80608504@N07/sets/72157685657907475

I’m really looking forward to exploring the other exhibits in the next few days–the museum is only a few stops from where I’m staying, and is open 10-6. I do want to explore the city itself as well, but now I have a backup plan for the days that are too rainy to get out my camera. 

Bon Voyage!

Heading off on an international adventure tomorrow, so I’ve got to put all my crafty projects on hold for a few weeks. I’ll have my journal and camera with me, but that’s about it! I’ll try to keep y’all updated as I go. 


My latest endeavor involves a pattern that can theoretically continue indefinitely and a ONE POUND skein of yarn… I’m either gonna end up with the most epic shawl ever, or some wicked hand cramps. 

No Tricks, Just Treats

Awhile back I made a pattern for a humanoid–aka anything vaguely person-shaped–and I’ve used it to make Deadpool, Punisher, etc. Someone recently asked if I would be willing to share the pattern, so here it is! This is a rather rough pattern–I haven’t used it recently, but it should be fairly accurate. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If I find myself with any free time I’ll try it out again myself and polish up the pattern (add photos, etc). Don’t hold your breath though, because I have had little to no free time lately. I guess that’s what happens when you sign up for 22 units and still work 20 hours a week? I’m just trying to cram as much as possible into my last year. Anyways, here’s the pattern! I’d love to see what you guys make from it since it’s so versatile. Enjoy!! Humanoid Pattern pdf

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Anyone there?

Well, it’s been almost two years since I posted on this site. To be completely honest, I’d kinda given up on it. With school and work and life I just got too busy to keep it up to date, so I let it slide to the back of my mental desk. That is, until someone commented on a post, and I was reminded of this little gem. It’s like a time vault of my brain, which is kind of why I made it in the first place? So that’s cool. Will I start updating more often? Maybe. Only time will tell. 

Exciting Adventures

So, I have had quite an busy year so far, leaving me not nearly enough time to make stuff. Also, due to practical reasons, I have been doing more watercoloring and less crocheting. Main reason: watercolors take up a LOT less room than a yarn stash, and my room doesn’t have much space to spare. So I don’t really have any crazy updates. I learned a new (and AWESOME) stitch, instructions here. It’s called crocodile stitch, and I think I’m obsessed. I want to make a bazillion things… but I need to figure out how to increase/decrease.

Other than that, I made a few dinosaurs for my sister (besides the brachiosaurus, I also made a triceratops and tyrannosaurus rex.) I watercolored Lady Gaga for my best friend, and a lot of random water-doodles, but… I can’t think of anything else worth sharing. I’m hoping that will change, seeing as how I’m only taking 19 units this quarter… (the second half of that sentence is completely sarcastic, in case that was confusing.) I’m starting to not make sense. It’s late. I am going to go to sleep now. Good thing about tomorrow? Saturday! Perfect for procrastinating and crafting. Lookout world, here I-zzzzzzzzz

What have I been up to?

I finished my dino, with plenty of time to spare before Christmas. ;D

In other exciting news, I am teaching one of my suitemates how to crochet! She’s really good at it, and is already working on her first project. She wanted to make a voodoo doll for her art class, and so I came up with my own pattern for a person. I have made so many amigurumi by making separate pieces for the head, body, arms, and legs, and decided to try making this one in a continuous piece.

It was my first attempt, and I am extremely pleased with how well it came out! In fact, I decided that this pattern can’t be for a voodoo doll, because it is way too realistic–it would be too creepy. So I was glad when she decided to make it a regular doll–apparently, too many people gave her weird looks when she said she was making a voodoo doll!

He looked so sad and naked sitting there, so I decided to make him a little trench coat. Don’t ask me why I choose such ambitious projects–I’ve never sewn a sleeve before in my life! I found a photo of a pattern and printed it out to be the right size, and then adjusted it so it fit him. I then sewed a prototype out of muslin. I’ll do pockets, and probably use ribbon for a belt, but I decided to keep it pretty simple because it’s microscopic.


Right now it looks like he’s wearing a bathrobe, but hey, it’s a work in progress! Eventually I want to get a remnant of a dark blue pinstripe as well and I’ll make him a little suit… he can be the Tenth Doctor!!

Batty for October! But a bit belated…

So, I just found this post, and I guess it has been sitting here, gathering cyber-dust, while I thought I had already published it… So I guess better late than never. Here it is:

I wanted to knit a bat, in honor of the upcoming holiday… and came up with my own pattern! It’s not perfect, so I haven’t written it up yet. I need to make a few tweaks to the head and wings. Here’s my prototype, Stellaluna, named after one of my favorite books:

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Itty Bitty Brachiosaurus!

DAWWW!!! That was my first thought when I saw this little guy:


So I decided to make one in blue. HE’S SO CUTE!! And there are even more where he came from!! Planet June has some adorable dinosaur patterns in her shop–you can click here to see for yourself!